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The Beginning of All

First published: 2012 ---- Last edited: 2021-03-18

The Big Question

Does it really matter if we believe the Evolution Theory or not?

People believe all kinds of things; how can anybody be sure that what he believes is the truth? If we asks a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu or a Buddhist about what happens after death, we well get different answers. Where is the truth?

Looking at the teachings of the various religions, some have come to the conclusion that there are many ways to heaven, and that nobody should claim that his faith teaches the only way to God. - Brilliant idea! But is everything true?

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6).

The evolution theory is not science, it is a belief. Let’s take for example the theory of the “Big Bang.” Who observed it when it happened? It cannot be proven that it ever happened, it is a God replacement theory, it is a belief, a religion.

We follow beliefs every day. We deposit money in a bank account and believe that it is safe there. People in Cyprus experienced the opposite; millions of their money were taken by the banks out of their accounts. Their belief that their money was safe in the bank, led them to keep their money there. But their belief was wrong.

What we believe has far reaching consequences. Our faith determines how we view this world, this present time, and eternity. Our faith lays the foundations of our world view. Our decisions are guided by our beliefs. If we believe that there is a righteous Supreme Judge, and that there are two destinations, heaven and hell, we will fear God and seek reconciliation with our Creator. On the other hand, if we believe that there is no God, no heaven, no hell, we will not fear God, will have no use for the Almighty. We will reject the idea that we could be responsible to God. “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul,” will consequently be our philosophy.

We know that we did not create ourselves, and that our parents did not create themselves either. How then did we get here? Today, the belief in God has widely been replaced with the belief in the theory of evolution. On this page I want to examine the foundation of the evolutionary theory based on materialism. If God is not the creator of the universe, then the elements, the materials that make up this earth, the stars, the planets, the galaxies, and life came into being by chance out of nothing.

The Elements as a Foundation

Quite a few years ago I heard a lecture by A. E. Wilder-Smith. 🚀 The illustration that he presented shows that nothing can develop by chance out of nothing That is just impossible! This is what I remember:

We set a monkey in front of a typewriter and let him hit the keys randomly. After some billions of years, the monkey will have produced by the magic of probability a copy of Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.” By adding a train load of zeros to the end of the number of years, the calculation showed that there is a probability for this to happen.

The actual numbers are not important here. We will focus our attention on the underling presuppositions and examine if the whole theory based on randomness, chance, and without any preexisting system can stand. Any preexisting system, like a drop of water, has to be excluded. We are talking here about the origin of everything, that is: all, all, all things. If there is no God who created everything, then we have to prove that the universe came into being out of nothing and by chance. If you start your evolutionary system with a few existing minerals and water, then you are plain old inconsistent, throwing preexisting sand into peoples eyes.

The typewriter that the monkey uses is an already existing system. Therefore we need to take the typewriter away from the monkey, because it is a preexisting system that did not come into existence by chance. Now we have this setup: A monkey, hitting randomly the keys of a non-existent typewriter produces after billions of years Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.”

Tolstoy’s book was originally written in a human language, Russian. Again, the monkey is using a preexisting system, the Russian language. In order to be truly based on chance, we have to take away the language, because the language did not come into existence by chance. Now we arrive at this setup: A monkey, hitting the keyboard of a non-existent typewriter, using a non-existent language, produces after billions of years Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.”

The monkey has to eat, drink and breathe, to keep him alive for such a long time. But again, the monkey is using preexisting materials. We cannot allow to feed him, to let him drink water, and to breathe air. We cannot conclusively show that his food, the water and the air came randomly into existence. So we have to take away the food, the water and the air from the monkey. We have arrived now at this setup: A monkey not eating, not drinking, and not breathing, hitting the keyboard of a non-existent typewriter, using a non-existent language, produces after billions of years Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.”

The monkey himself is already a preexisting system. So we have to take the monkey away, too; we cannot prove that he came into existence by chance. Now we have this setup: A non-existent monkey, living without eating, drinking and breathing, is hitting the keyboard of a non-existent typewriter, using a non-existent language, produces after billions of years Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.”

Finally, there is the thing called time, and that too is a preexisting system of seconds, minutes, hours, days and month and years. In order to be truly based on chance out of nothing, we have to take time away. There is no proof that time came into existence by chance, randomly out of nothing and there is no evidence, that time created itself.

Here is now the final setup: A non-existent monkey, living without eating, drinking and breathing, is hitting the keyboard of a non-existent typewriter, using a non-existent language, produces after billions of years Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.” in no time at all. As we see, we arrive in the end at a stark contradiction: “the monkey does not exist produces, “after billions of years” and in “in no time at all”, a book: Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.” This looks to me like some monkey-business!

There is absolutely no evidence that the elements created themselves out of nothing. And there is no evidence that the whole universe created itself by chance out of nothing.

It cannot be proved that even one atom of the smallest element has ever evolved spontaneously out of nothing. The hydrogen atom is not self-reproducing either; and how many hydrogen atoms are there in the universe! If the elements were not created by God then every single atom that we find in the universe would have come into existence by popping up out of nothing.

For just one atom of the smallest element, hydrogen, to come into existence, there are several things that would have to pop up randomly out of nothing but at exactly the same moment:

  • the nucleus of the atom,
  • the electron orbiting around the nucleus,
  • and the exact speed that keeps the electron spinning in the right distance from the nucleus.
  • Speed requires time. The most precise time measuring devices that we have today are atomic clocks. How did time come into existence by chance, randomly out of nothing?
  • The final requirement for an atom to work is the initial “push” to start the electron rotating around the nucleus. How did the electron start rotating at the right speed by chance, how did that “push” come out of nowhere? By the way, the electron of hydrogen can rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise.

All these things, nucleus, electron, time and the “push” would have to have popped up by chance into existence at exactly the same moment - out of nowhere. There is no whatsoever that all this came into existence randomly out of nothing, by chance. Evolution is an imagination called a “theory,” but it is certainly not science.

All evolutionary theories are conveniently hijacking the existence of the elements. They were just there. The physicists, biologists, geologists and the medical professions base their science on the myth of evolution without even addressing the question of how the elements came into being. The “Big Bang” supposedly was the beginning of everything. But how did the “Big Bang” evolve out of not even thin air, but let alone out of nothing, out of absolutely nothing?

The Mystery of Language

Life in this world cannot exist without languages. No living being can exist without water, but life is not possible without communication either. The human body consists of trillions of individual cells. Each cell communicates with the rest of the body, and the different parts within each cell also communicate with each other. Without the exchange of messages, there would be dead silence. Any communication, the exchange of messages, information, uses some kind of language.

Languages consist of words, and words identify a myriad of things. Words must be distinguished from the objects they name. The object table and the word “table” are not the same thing. Never is the word the same thing as the object it names.

Philosophers have struggled with the paradox of the liar for centuries. The paradox goes like this: “A Cretan says, all Cretans are liars.” Now, if it is true what he said, then he himself is a liar, and he lied; but if he didn’t say the truth, then he is not a liar. But if he is not a liar ….

The problem was finally solved when someone realized that we have to distinguish between “speech” and “speech about speech” (meta language). In this specific example language becomes the object of language. If this distinction is not made, it will lead without exception to contradictions that cannot be solved. The words in any given language must be clearly distinguished from the object they name.

Languages consist of words. A word names an object, it is the container of a message, idea, information, thought. The form of a word can take on different material forms.

The most common form is the spoken word, which are sound waves moving through the air. In different human languages the sounds are not the same for the same objects; but the message is still the same. The message will sound differently in English, German, Russian, Chinese, or Hausa.

Messages are transmitted through words. The message “I love you!” consists of only three words. But it can evoke strong emotions, if it is believed. This tiny message can change the course of human beings profoundly. Words are the carrier of messages .

Words can take on completely different material forms, appearances. Not only can they be spoken, they can be written with ink on paper, carved into wood, clay or stone, or burned into a plastic disk. Words can be transmitted through strokes on a keyboard, through electric pulses in a wire, or light pulses in fiber-optic cables, and they can be captured on a magnetic disk. They can appear as tiny dots of light on a computer screen.

The DNA, found in every cell of every living creature, is another carrier of messages, information, another material form of words. The words are written in its owns language.

Even though the words that convey a message can take on different forms, the message itself remains the same. We have to distinguish between words in their various forms and the message they represent. Words exist in the material world, but their messages exists outside the material world.

Where did words, the languages, the words in their different forms, their content, the messages they contain originate? What existed first, the message that is expressed in words, or the forms, the physical expression? We find several hints in the Bible that answer this question.

1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. (Genesis 11:1). …. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. (Genesis 11:6-9).

For by faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God; and that things seen, originated from those that are not seen (Hebrews 11,3).

The Beginning of it all

The word originate from God. If we deny God as the creator, then we have only one other option: all the elements, the languages and the messages (the information) evolved simultaneously, but randomly, by chance, out of absolutely nothing.

There have been many studies done on the origin of the species. But what is the origin of the words, the languages? What is the origin of the content of words, messages, information? I would like to see a PhD dissertation that proves conclusively that just one hydrogen atom can evolve out of nothing. Will that dissertation ever be written? What about a dissertation that can prove that language came out of nothing? There is no scientific basis for an evolution out of nothing, and there will never be. The origin of all things out of nothing is a completely unproved claim. It’s foolishness!

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
(Psalm 14:1).

The origin out of nothing is just that: foolishness. Will anyone escape his responsibility t oward God just by saying “There is no God”?

Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them [the sons of man]; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:19-20).

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. (John 1:1-2).

God can be found!

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13).

So, does it matter if we believe the Evolution Theory or not? – Yes, it matters, because we cannot eliminate God!

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